Almuerzo de Negocios: Cumbre de Éxito Social

Por Cecilia Figueroa

Lake Nona, FL – La Cámara de Comercio Regional de Lake Nona y la Cámara de Comercio Puertorriqueña de la Florida Central (PRCCCF), unieron esfuerzos y colaboraron en la organización del reciente, Business Luncheon: Social Success Summit, en el Guidewell Innovation Center, en Lake Nona.

Los panelistas destacados fueron: Adaniel Zoga, influencer realtor de Exp Realty; Gaviota Rivera, Senior Marketing Specialist de AdventHealth; Enrique Forero, Ejecutivo de Cuenta de Televisa Univision; Ralphy Perez, Senior Manager Field Marketing de Spectrum reach, Lisa Pietri, representante de IHeart Radio, quienes entablaron una charla sobre las estrategias para las redes sociales, el mercadeo y publicidad para los negocios hispanos.

Candy Cole, directora ejecutiva de la Cámara de Comercio Regional de Lake Nona y Jorge Figueroa, presidente de la PRCCCF fueron los anfitriones de este encuentro donde se dieron cita varios empresarios, y representantes de organizaciones en la Florida Central.

Para conocer más sobre los eventos próximos de la Cámara de Comercio Regional de Lake Nona, visite,; y para la PRCCCF,

Business Luncheon: Social Success Summit

By Cecilia Figueroa

Lake Nona, FL – The Lake Nona Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida (PRCCCF) joined forces and collaborated in the organization of the recent Business Luncheon: Social Success Summit at the Guidewell Innovation Center in Lake Nona.

The featured panelists were: Adaniel Zoga, influencer realtor at Exp Realty; Gaviota Rivera, Senior Marketing Specialist at AdventHealth; Enrique Forero, Account Executive of Televisa Univision; Ralphy Perez, Senior Manager Field Marketing at Spectrum reach, Lisa Pietri, representative of IHeart Radio, who engaged in a talk on social media strategies, marketing and advertising for Hispanic businesses.

Candy Cole, executive director of the Lake Nona Regional Chamber of Commerce and Jorge Figueroa, president of the PRCCCF hosted this meeting where several businessmen and representatives of organizations in Central Florida gathered.

To learn more about upcoming Lake Nona Regional Chamber of Commerce events, visit,; and for the PRCCCF,