El Gobernador Ron DeSantis nombra a Ramsey como miembro de la Junta Escolar del Condado Osceola

Condado Osceola, FL – El 19 de julio del 2024, el Gobernador Ron DeSantis anunció el nombramiento de Scott Ramsey como miembro de la Junta Escolar del Condado Osceola para representar al Distrito 5.

“Quisiera agradecer al Gobernador Ron Desantis por confiar en mi para este importante cargo. Me comprometo a asegurar que todo estudiante del Condado Osceola tenga la mejor educación posible”, dijo Ramsey.

Ramsey es un pequeño empresario y residente del Condado Osceola y su familia ha residido en este mismo condado por cuatro generaciones. Scott anunció su candidatura para la Junta Escolar del Condado Osceola, Distrito 5, en agosto del 2023.

Ramsey (46) ha residido en el Condado Osceola toda su vida. Es un ranchero ganadero de cuatro generaciones y dueño de tres exitosos negocios: P-R Sod Compay, Ramsey Feed Company y Ramsey Cattle Company. Scott es un líder de la comunidad con una larga historia de servicio público. Cuando no está en su capacidad de ranchero ganadero, Scott es un activo miembro de la comunidad. Hace trabajo voluntario como entrenador de football para Harmony Youth Football y a sido entrenador para St. Cloud Little League. En el 2013-2014 Scott trabajó como el Big Boss para el Silver Spurs Rodeo y actualmente es Presidente del Comité del Rodeo.

Scott es también miembro de Farm Services Agency Board para los condados de Osceola y Brevard, de National Cattlemen´s Beff Association, de Board of Directors for Osceola County Farm Bureau, de Florida Cattlemen´s Association y anterior Presidente y actual miembro de la Junta de Osceola County Cattlemen´s Association.

Ramsey es un orgulloso “Kowboy” graduado de Osceola High School en 1996 y después obtuvo su grado asociado en artes de Valencia State College. Scott y su familia son miembros de Eastern Avenue Baptist Church en St. Cloud. Scott reside con su familia en Kenansville.

“Al embarcarnos en este recorrido juntos, acojamos la colaboración y el compromiso mutuo de excelencia educacional. Juntos, tenemos la oportunidad de construir un futuro donde todo estudiante se desarrolla”, dijo el Superintendente de Osceola, Mark Shanoff.

Governor Ron DeSantis appoints Ramsey to the Osceola County School Board

Osceola County, FL – July 19, 2024, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the appointment of the Osceola County School Board District 5 seat to Scott Ramsey.

“I want to thank Governor Ron DeSantis for entrusting me with this important office. I am committed to making sure every student in Osceola County has the best possible education,” says Ramsey.

Ramsey is a small business owner and fourth-generation Osceola County resident, Scott announced his candidacy for Osceola County School Board, District 5 in August of 2023.

Ramsey (46) is a lifelong resident of Osceola County, he is a 4th generation cattle rancher and the owner of three successful businesses, P-R Sod Company, Ramsey Feed Company, and Ramsey Cattle Company.  He is a community leader with a long history of public service.

When not ranching, Scott is a very active member within the community, he volunteers as a coach for Harmony Youth Football and has been a coach for St. Cloud Little League. In 2013-2014 Scott served as the Big Boss for the Silver Spurs Rodeo and is currently the Chairman of the Rodeo Committee.

He is also a member of the Farm Services Agency Board for Osceola & Brevard Counties, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a member of the Board of Directors for Osceola County Farm Bureau, the Florida Cattlemen’s Association, and a former President and current Board Member for the Osceola County Cattlemen’s Association.

Ramsey is a proud “Kowboy”, a graduate from Osceola High School in 1996 and then went on to earn his Associates of Arts degree from Valencia State College. Scott and his family are members of the Eastern Avenue Baptist Church in St. Cloud. Scott resides with his family in Kenansville.

“As we embark on this journey together, let us embrace collaboration, and a shared commitment to educational excellence. Together, we have the opportunity to shape a future where every student thrives,” says Osceola Superintendent Mark Shanoff.